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Suboxone Treatment Specialist

Stephen P. Gibert, MD

Pain Medicine Physician & Addiction Medicine located in West Ashley, Charleston, SC

Up to 36 million Americans abuse opioids, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Stephen Gibert, MD, knows how quickly opioid dependence can take over your life. That’s why he provides Suboxone® treatment at his office in the West Ashley community of Charleston, South Carolina. Suboxone is a medication that helps combat opioid dependence. To learn more, call Stephen Gibert, MD, or book an appointment online today.

Suboxone Treatment Q & A

What is Suboxone treatment?

One of the most difficult parts of quitting drugs like opioids and heroin is the detoxification process. As these drugs leave your body, the withdrawal symptoms you experience can feel just as bad — if not worse — than the addiction itself.

Suboxone is a brand name for the combination of two drugs, buprenorphine and naloxone.

Suboxone is a highly safe, effective treatment when administered by a physician experienced in addiction management like Dr. Gibert.

What are the symptoms of opioid withdrawal?

Opioid dependence is uniquely difficult to treat as withdrawal symptoms can begin within hours of your last dose. While these withdrawal symptoms typically aren’t life-threatening, they increase your chances of relapse.

Fortunately, Suboxone treatment can prevent opioid withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Muscle aches
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Runny nose

Without treatment,some withdrawal symptoms, especially craving and feeling “down” ,can last months after your last dose of opioids. Most concerning, you are at high risk for relapsing. With Suboxone treatment many people avoid these problems and find that they can feel “normal’ again. 

How does Suboxone treatment work?

Dr. Gibert’s goal in Suboxone treatment for opioid dependence is to minimize the impact of opioids on your life while maintaining safety and long-term results. He minimizes the cost to you and ensures the treatment is as effective as possible at reducing your withdrawal symptoms.

To initiate Suboxone treatment, you must be experiencing mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal means the opioid has started to leave your brain’s opioid receptors. As the opioids detach from your receptors, buprenorphine attaches to them, withdrawal symptoms, and  minimizing treating the risk of relapse.

After your initial Suboxone treatment, Dr. Gibert administers maintenance doses to occupy your brain’s opioid receptors until the risk of relapse is low enough to discontinue treatment. 

Suboxone treatment delivers lasting results for relief from opioid dependence. To schedule an appointment with Stephen Gibert, MD, call the office or book a visit online now.